Providing care and comfort
While all of our residents are dealing with some challenge that makes them unable to live alone, they all deserve to enjoy their life in tranquility. At De un Amor, we do our best to make sure they can.
De un Amor provides everything our residents need. The staff does laundry for residents. We provide two or more showers a week with full supervision and appropriate physical aids for safety.
But it takes more than cleanliness to make somebody comfortable, and to feel good about themselves. So we have podiatrist in to do nails. Hair cutters come in for styling or barbering, or residents can continue to go out to their favorite salon. In between, our staff styles residents’ hair so they look their best.
We have a wonderful doctor and dedicated clinical psychiastrist who make house calls for our residents. They consult with our staff so we can effectively monitor all medications and levels. We serve three home-cooked meals a day and snacks. Residents can eat in the dining room, or on the sunny porches..
More Staff For More Relaxed Care
De un Amor maintains high staffing levels so our people have the time to provide a level of care they can be proud of. Because staff members aren’t stressed by having too much to do and not enough time, they can be calm and pleasant – enjoying their interactions with the residents they care for. With three shifts, there‘s always a staff member on-site and awake. Our relatively small size allows our staff to get to know residents and their families. So we’re able to be more responsive to your needs and to theirs.
Care At Many Levels
We welcome Alzheimer’s and dementia residents and are fully experienced in caring for them. We also maintain hospice waivers so we can continue care without moving residents.
“I wish to thank each of you for all the many courtesies that you have extended to my wife. I am certain that Olive is aware of your kindnesses, even though she is unable toe express them in organized, understandable language. I feel quite fortunate to have been able to share a brief period each day with Olive, the wonderful staff and tolerant residents of De Un Amore.”